Comercio al por mayor de artículos de uso doméstico
Productos y servicios
Comercio al por mayor de aparatos y material radioeléctricos y electrónicos.
Comercio al por mayor de aparatos electrodomésticos
Comercio al por mayor de equipos electrónicos y de telecomunicaciones y sus componentes
Comercio al por mayor de aparatos electrodomésticos
Comercio al por mayor de equipos electrónicos y de telecomunicaciones y sus componentes
Wholesale of electrical household appliances
Wholesale of electronic and telecommunications equipment and parts
The company is a United States based enterprise engaged in the wholesale of electrical household appliances, as well as other related products. It operates its business primarily in the domestic market. The company was incorporated in the year 1997. Its registered business office is based in Los Barrios, Spain. It is registered as a limited company. The company comprises its business activities in the wholesale distribution of radio and television receiving sets, other household electronic sound and video equipment, and household electrical appliances. It is also involved in the wholesale distribution of household electronic and communication equipment, as well as other products.